Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Hope For Your Future . . .

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you. Says The Lord, thoughts and plans of abundance and peace and not for evil, to give you a hope for your future. Jeremiah 29:11

God is a planner.

He's got a design.

He's perfectly and intricately "knit" us in our mother's womb (ps. 139:13).

And He has a purpose for us all.

It is our job to take a hold of that. Our job to ask God what our tasks, purposes, objectives are... etc.

And it is our job to follow through with obedience.

Because our plan does not simply affect us. It does not simply affect our family. It doesn't even simply effect our circle of influence.

It effects the entire world.

There are intricate and elaborate ramifications for everything we do. And do not do.

I think of the show: TOUCH. A perfect example of how our world works in so many incredible ways.

We tend to play off incredible miracles as "coincidences" or by saying "it's a small world"

Sure, it's a small world to God! But to you, come on. Not really.

The truth is: God has a plan. And we are ALL a part of it weather we want to be or not.

The good news is, He is clear that He has GOOD plans for us and that WE get to decide to be a part of those good plans! ... or not.

What's on my heart today is a call.

A call to all those who have been complacent. A call to all those that have been unsure, skeptical, doubtful, lazy, or procrastinators.

And the truth is, I'm sure we all have at one point or another.

Well it's time to end our own self destructive ways!

Our world is rapidly changing. There is a bigger picture. We are called to higher things than we can fathom. And I don't want to live my life and find out I completely missed my objective here on earth. Or even partially missed it!

When I see our awesome God, I want to find out that I did what I was called to do- that I was obedient- that I was able to be a helper to God. That I was loving His people, helping those in need, being His hands and feet here on earth.

We are called to be world changers! And I know that everything I do, or don't do. Big or small. Will ultimately affect the world somehow, someway, someday.

It might not be a fun word- but it's time to be RESPONSIBLE. With our time, our resources, our energy, our family, our friends, our influence, and just our entire lives!

You are more than your past mistakes. You are more than a daily grind. You are more than the turmoil. Those things do not define you. Those things make you stronger, and can mold you into more of the person God has created you to be.

God already has defined you perfectly. He's designed you for something so special, and so powerful, and so wonderful! It's time to match up with His design and begin to truly fill our place in His good plans.

And it's so easy to get distracted. It's so easy to get discouraged. It's so easy to procrastinate. And there is an enemy of your soul who loves to get in the way of God's good plans. Who will try and HELP you WASTE your life here on earth- doing nothing of real significance. Or maybe you are doing things of significance, but you aren't utilizing the wonderful GIFTS that God has imprinted in your soul!

That is when we need to guard ourselves. Guard our minds, our hearts, our souls! (Eph. 6:16-18)

Friend, I encourage you to seek God and His perfect and good plan for your life. And once you find out, just run with it, and keep it in front of you daily to remind yourself of your bigger purpose!

Imagine the incredible things that could happen in this world if we all were empowered to know our objective and were steadfastly walking in it!

God can see it! It's time for us to see it too!