Thursday, October 4, 2012


I guess today I feel like Ebeneezer Scrooge. But not in the way you may think.

I'm not grumpy. I'm not "Bah- Humbug"ing ... Actually today is already a productive day on the right path! I got up at 5 am- drove to the gym (while having an awesome time with God) for my cardio and came home, brewed myself some Starbucks, and now I even get to write!

No... I'm not grumpy... but I am Scrooged.

Sometimes we just get fed up with ourselves and our lack of motivation, or stick-to-it-iviness.

Sometimes it takes a "view" of the alternative route to draw us to the life we should have been living all along.

Like Scrooge.

I get restless with my complacency sometimes. I get sucked out of my "super woman" ultra productive routine and into my apathetic "I just don't want to do anything" routine.

And it feels good... for a little while... then it starts to feel like a prison. A procrastination prison!

When I know deep down I'm capable of SO much more. When I know deep down that I have SO much more to offer. When I know deep down that I was called to something SO much greater!!! And yet... I let time tick and waste away in my procrastination prison...

Sometimes it can take a lot to get out of it.

Sometimes it takes that Scrooge moment... When you realize the repercussions of staying in the procrastination prison. When you realize not just the repercussions, but then you realize the implications of stepping out into your calling. Of stepping out and being Super Woman. When you realize God has given you GIFTS and you are to USE THEM!

Maybe it was the Veggie Tales, Lincoln and I watched yesterday! hah.

"Lord of the Beans"... About using your gifts for every one's benefit. Not letting them be wasted.

It's like the parable of the talents that Jesus spoke of. Each person was given something from God- the one who buried it- was the wicked one. If we stuff away our gifts and never reach our full potential..... LISTEN TO ME HERE...


God has given you gifts NOT for selfish gain. He has given you gifts to help affect every single person you ever come in contact with, and it spreads like wildfire through each individual life reaching the ends of the earth.

This is a call to be SCROOGED! -- Let God show you the WONDERFUL implications of utilizing your gifts for the world... STOP letting your hour glass run out in your procrastination prison.

If you aren't sure what your gifts are, ask The One who gave them to you! He won't let you go through life without knowing