Sunday, January 29, 2012

Locate Your Faith

 In the Bible Jesus said all we need is a MUSTARD SEED amount of faith to MOVE A MOUNTAIN... studying the original Greek, it wasn't a metaphor... He meant it. We can do more than we can POSSIBLY IMAGINE ... Jesus even said we WILL do GREATER things than HE DID! ... Woah... I want to be there...we have the POWER to do anything and everything we could DARE to DREAM ... HERE's the catch.... IF we would ONLY BELIEVE.... In Mark Jesus says, "FEAR NOT.... ONLY BELIEVE" ... We may at some times have that amazing little mustard seed of Faith.... but we might have a mustard seed of doubt as well... Or maybe even an orange sized seed of doubt!(or mountain sized!) But in order for FAITH to fully operate in its Divinely Ordained way... DOUBT cannot be occupying the mind. 

Where Faith must abound- doubt mustn't occupy! 

If we earnestly seek after something, we must build faith to receive this thing. 

We need faith. In Hebrews it says that without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE GOD! ... We MUST operate in FAITH! Then EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!... Including pleasing the Almighty God! 

You may be asking... Ok, but how do I even get faith? Or you may be thinking, I already have faith, but how do I get more? 

Well, in the Bible it says that Faith comes by HEARING, and HEARING the Word of God... Meaning, over and over again, saturating yourself with the Word of God, or the Bible (because it is God breathed!) Until it penetrates your very core, and produces FAITH! ... 

Others might think of faith as a cliche term for "something to believe in" ... but let me assure you. Faith is powerful. Yes, Faith is confidence, certainty, and belief. . . But the Bible says that, "Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED FOR ... the EVIDENCE of things unseen. . . " 
Substance: the actual matter of a thing, as opposed to the appearance or shadow.... its reality... tangible. 

Evidence: Proof. Proof of the unseen... In law, there are evidences- pieces of PROOF brought forth to help build FAITH of the verdict of the case... Just like this analogy, there is a courtroom of the mind, and we must tap into the FAITH that God has available to us in order to persuade our minds of the truth that is "unseen, yet hoped for" ... What we WANT to manifest, will manifest.... with whatever we put greater faith toward. 

I would even dare to say something as bold as this... DOUBT does not even exist... Doubt is only misguided faith... 

Let's use a couple of simple analogies. 

My "Faith" in gravity.... is based on my reality... what I see and experience every day... And as much as I might like to float or fly around on my own, and I may hope and wish for that, I may even try to put my faith in believing I could do that.... but my FAITH in GRAVITY is GREATER than my faith in believing I can fly...

Let's say Almost everyday I am late to work and I get the worst parking spot in the lot. I might even be praying that morning that God would help me get up earlier, get a better parking spot, etc etc.... but if today is like every other day, it is because my faith in my typical behavior or "luck" is GREATER than God's ability or willingness to actually help me in this situation.

So yes, of course doubt is real... but what I am saying is... is your expectation and faith the negative or the positive? Play the greater than less than game with faith and move your faith from one side of the balance to the other!

Like Peter, will you let fear and doubt overrun your emotions and sink into the sea? ...Or... Like Peter, will you reach for God's hand, KNOWING that the IMPOSSIBLE is REALLY POSSIBLE! And walk on the water!!! 

We are supposed to be hoping and believing for the things that are NOT YET SEEN!!!Things that may be invisible, or haven't ever been done yet on this earth! 

Now I want some of that! I want EARTH-SHATTERING FAITH! ... But we all start somewhere, and we all go through ups and downs. An encouragement to me is reading through the new testament and seeing the disciples ask Jesus to A. INCREASE MY FAITH LORD! ... and B. HELP MY UNBELIEF! 

If you want BIGGER FAITH... Or if you struggle with doubt... I challenge you to pray these two things every single day for 21 days STRAIGHT... at least... if not for the rest of your life... and SEE the UNSEEN.... 

You will see God move! 

How to locate your faith... start with something small... I've conversed with God before, and He challenged me to challenge him! ... "Ok Lord," I've said... "I'll just start asking you for stuff!" (by the way- God cares about the little things!) ... I made a list of things I wanted, and one by one I just started asking... IN FAITH.... I started with the easier things... 

A cup of coffee... $20 cash ... A call from a friend I had been thinking about... etc... 
I went a week just asking Him for these small things, believing in FAITH that I had received them already! One by one they appeared! In the same week!... Some of the bigger things maybe didn't appear, or took longer, and that's how I located where my faith was at... 

Once you locate your faith, then you can begin to stretch it little by little -- that alone will increase your level of faith! ... 

Just start casting out doubts! If ANY pop into your mind REJECT IT!... "cancel cancel" is what I like to say! 

And watch God WORK! 

Oh yeah... and Keep Smiling! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

What Have You Asked For Lately?

We have not because we ask not….  Couldn’t be said better. People wish and wish and wish in their inner thoughts and heart, and God does know the desires of our hearts and he longs to answer them…. But I have to ask...

Have you ASKED God with your mouth for what you truly desire? Have you spoken it to Him? How many times? I’d have to say most people would probably answer little to none. This is where people start to blame God, or people get discouraged. Another area is in the fact that Maybe  they have asked, but they either give up too soon, or they have let doubt creep into their hearts and ask full of fear instead of KNOWING the LOVE that God has for them, they ask in DOUBT instead of FAITH, KNOWING that God is a GOOD GOD, and He desires and longs to give us the things we desire!

So today my challenge is simple. Ask… Ask… Ask… and RESOLVE to continue to ask until your last breath…. While Asking- RESOLVE to BELIEVE that it WILL happen- because GOD LOVES YOU…

Try it for something small today… God even cares about  the small things- Ask Him for a cup of coffee, or a call from a friend. Just ask and see Him answer. 

Keep Smiling!